If If you would like to study at a university in Karlsruhe and are not a German citizen, you must prove that you have sufficient language skills. Basic knowledge is not sufficient for studying; you must be able to converse well in German and also follow lectures. The TestDaF is recognised by the universities in Karlsruhe and thus enables you to enter one of the coveted degree programmes. Diese Voraussetzungen müssen Sie mitbringen Wenn Sie Deutsch schon gut beherrschen, können Sie den TestDaF natürlich ohne einen Kurs machen. Sie benötigen allerdings Kenntnisse mindestens auf dem Niveau B2, besser noch C1. Wenn Sie zuvor Deutschkurse besucht haben, wissen Sie normalerweise Ihr Niveau. Sollte das nicht der Fall sein, stufen wir Sie gerne ein. Auf unserer Seite finden Sie einen entsprechenden Test oder Sie besuchen uns in unseren Räumen in Karlsruhe.
TestDaF Preparation Courses in Karlsruhe - Exam Preparation

You must have these prerequisites

If you already have a good command of German, you can naturally take the TestDaF without taking a course. However, you need to have at least a B2 level, or even better, a C1 level. If you have taken German courses before, you will normally know your level. If this is not the case, we will be happy to help you find your level. You can find an appropriate test on our website, or you can visit us in our offices in Karlsruhe.

TestDaF Exam Preparation Courses in Karlsruhe - Costs and Dates

As a prospective student, you are under time pressure because you may want to enrol in the next semester. For this reason, we recommend an intensive course, in which you study in small groups from Monday to Friday in the morning. In the afternoon, you will have plenty of time to practise the language and prepare for the next course unit. During the course, the real exam situation is simulated repeatedly, so that you can go into the exam without fear.
Duration: Depending on previous education, we recommend at least 8 weeks.

Dates: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00.

Start: every first Monday of the month

1 week: 199 Euro
2 weeks: 249 Euro
3 weeks: 449 Euro
4 weeks: 499 Euro

Our teachers support you in your preparation

The teachers are of particular importance in the preparatory course. Therefore, we take a lot of time when selecting our German teachers. It is important that they are German native speakers with pedagogical training. Our teachers also already have experience in exam preparation. They are friendly, calm and confident and address your individual language problems. Our teachers are the first point of contact for all questions regarding the TestDaF.

Structure of the exam

To pass this test, you have to understand scientific and journalistic texts, write your own texts, master scientific communication and everyday communication. The exam consists of a total of four parts. The listening comprehension test lasts 40 minutes, followed by a reading comprehension test that lasts one hour. The oral expression test lasts 35 minutes and is conducted as an individual examination. Finally, you have to write a text in German. You have 60 minutes for this part.

Is exam preparation useful?

Even if you already speak German well, you should book an exam preparation course. In the course, you will learn exactly what is important and can prepare yourself accordingly. With good preparation, you are much more likely to pass the exam successfully.

Try our intensive course for TestDaF

If you are unable to attend your course in person, you can also attend online from the comfort of your own home. In this case, simply inform your teacher or our staff, who will then make online participation possible for you. If you are unable to attend your course for a longer period of time, you can also request a postponement of your enrolment, free of charge.

Register today for a TestDaF preparation course

If you want to study in Karlsruhe, you have to prove your German language skills if you do not have a German university entrance qualification. With our preparation courses at Sprachschule Aktiv in Karlsruhe, you have the best chance of passing the TestDaF the first time.